Get Rid Of Fake Libertarians

Eamon Wyss
2 min readMay 4, 2017

Rand Paul seems like a nice guy. He obviously knows the libertarian ideology. But clearly he has little or no experience putting the theories into practice. And it shows in his inability to sell the concept, or motivate and inspire others to take on libertarian views. He comes across as just another fake libertarian — someone who only relates to it through books and talking about it, but has no actual hands-on experience.

But he’s not alone. There are many limited government and free market advocates of various persuasions that speak more from ideology than experience. They behave like ‘Purists’. Purists believe the path to success is a straight line, made of silk and ice-cream. They believe this because they never walk the path themselves. It’s only by walking the path do we find out that ‘the path to success is paved with failures’………and crocodiles, and gorges, and traps, and dead-ends.

It’s only by walking the path do we find out that sometimes there is no way through a dead-end. That sometimes we have to go back to that intersection we just passed, and take the other road. That is, sometimes we need to take one step back, to take two steps forward. And that’s ok. That’s part of the path of getting there. It is never a straight line.

But for the inexperienced purist who only sees a straight path, anyone with actual experience who suggests we must to take a side step for a while, would be considered wrong. Not from a lack of merit, but because their suggestion does not follow the straight and narrow. Ah, the irony.

So get rid of the fake libertarians and the fake free marketeers, and encourage the ones who actually practice the ideals. Support the ones out there in the world discovering for themselves and for the rest of us, what works and what doesn’t work. This article provides examples of the very people I’m talking about. The ones who practice the principles and inspire others to do the same.

